Hi Everyone, Here I am putting sample code for card payment. You can use it in your code and can implement the payment module in your project. API that I am using it will return the response in XML format. Use your API and enjoy. Hope it can help you.
Card payment sample code:
using System;using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using ModelLayer;
using DataAccessLayer;
namespace BusinessLayer
public class AccountInfo:IDisposable
XmlDocument objXmlDocument;//declare XmlDocument to store xml document
//default constructor
public AccountInfo()
//parametric constructor accepting LoginDetail class from model layer as a signature
public AccountInfo(LoginDetails objLogin)
//Calling GetAccntInfo() method
void GetInfo(LoginClass objLogin)
//url containing the web service api which will return document in the xml format
string uri = objLogin.BaseURL + string.Format(@"/accntinfo?apikey={0}&accntID={1}", objLogin.APIKey, objLogin.AccountID);
//We are creating new url and sending to HttpWebRequest
HttpWebRequest objHttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest;
//Getting response from HttpWebRequest
HttpWebResponse objHttpWebResponse = objHttpWebRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
//Putting response in the form of stream to the StreamReader
using (StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(objHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()))
objXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
//reading the stream
using (XmlTextReader objXmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(objStreamReader))
objXmlTextReader.Namespaces = false;
//Loading xml document with the data got from the stream
public DataTable FetchData(AccDetails objAccInfo)
//declaring the data columns name and their types for the table to store data in it
DataColumn[] dcGuarantor = new DataColumn[8];
dcGuarantor[0] = new DataColumn("FirstName", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[1] = new DataColumn("LastName", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[2] = new DataColumn("Addr1", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[3] = new DataColumn("Addr2", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[4] = new DataColumn("City", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[5] = new DataColumn("StateProvinceRegion", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[6] = new DataColumn("ZipPostalCode", typeof(string));
dcGuarantor[7] = new DataColumn("AccntRef", typeof(string));
dtGuarantor.Columns.AddRange(dcGuarantor);//Add columns into table
//selecting a perticular node from the xml document to read data from its nodes
XmlNodeList nodes = objXmlDocument.SelectNodes("/Account/Guarantor");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
objAccountInfo.GuarantorFirstName = node.SelectSingleNode("FirstName").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorLastName = node.SelectSingleNode("LastName").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorAddress1 = node.SelectSingleNode("Addr1").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorAddress2 = node.SelectSingleNode("Addr2").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorCity = node.SelectSingleNode("City").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorStateProvinceRegion = node.SelectSingleNode("StateProvinceRegion").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorZipPostalCode = node.SelectSingleNode("ZipPostalCode").InnerText;
objAccountInfo.GuarantorAccountRef = node.SelectSingleNode("AccntRef").InnerText;
//loading data into the datarow
dtGuarantor.LoadDataRow(new object[]{ objAccountInfo.GuarantorFirstName, objAccountInfo.GuarantorLastName, objAccountInfo.GuarantorAddress1,
objAccountInfo.GuarantorAddress2, objAccountInfo.GuarantorCity,objAccountInfo.GuarantorStateProvinceRegion,
objAccountInfo.GuarantorZipPostalCode,objAccountInfo.GuarantorAccountRef}, false);
return dtGuarantor;//returns table object
string PostPaymentResponse(GetDetails objGetDetails)
string refkey = "";
//creating instance of the string builder class to hold the tracing data
StringBuilder objStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
//append tracing into string builder
objStringBuilder.Append("Entered into the function :PostPaymentResponse ");
//objGetDetails.AccountID = "testing invalid account abcd";
string uri = objGetDetails.BaseURL + string.Format(@"/pymt?apikey={0}&accntID={1}", objGetDetails.APIKey, objGetDetails.AccountID);
// build XML body to POST
XmlDocument objXmlDocument = CreatePostPaymentXMLDoc(objGetDetails);
// POST xml to webservice
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(objXmlDocument.OuterXml);
WebClient objWebClient = new WebClient();
objWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/xml"); //Adding header to webclient
byte[] response = objWebClient.UploadData(uri, "POST", bytes); //uploading data
Stream objStream = new MemoryStream(response); //getting response from POST
DataContractSerializer obj = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(string));
refkey = obj.ReadObject(objStream).ToString(); // email reference ID to user
//append tracing into string builder
objStringBuilder.Append("Exited from the function :PostPaymentResponse ");
//writing trace log into the log file
catch (Exception ex)
//Write error log into log file.
//nullify the string builder object.
objStringBuilder = null;
return refkey;
public XmlDocument CreatePostPaymentXMLDoc(GetDetails objGetDetails)
// new XML doc
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement pymt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Payment");
//pymt.Attributes["xmlns"].Value = @"";
pymt.Attributes["xmlns"].Value = objGetDetails.PostXMLSchema;
// RefID - passed to TransFirst as the User Unique Order Number
// this is the "RefID" element found Account
XmlElement refID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RefID");
refID.InnerText = objGetDetails.RefID;
// TransactionID - ID return from TransFirst
XmlElement transID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("TransactionID");
transID.InnerText = objGetDetails.TransactionID;
// masked pattern Credit Card Num
XmlElement ccNum = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CCNum");
ccNum.InnerText = objGetDetails.CardNumber;
// Credit Card Code: MC, VI, AX, DC
// Codes from Account
XmlElement ccCode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CCCode");
ccCode.InnerText = objGetDetails.CardCode;
// Credit Card holder name
XmlElement ccName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CCName");
ccName.InnerText = objGetDetails.FirstName + " " + objGetDetails.LastName;
// Authorization Number return from TransFirst
XmlElement authNum = xmlDoc.CreateElement("AuthorizationNum");
authNum.InnerText = objGetDetails.AuthorizationNumber;
// Total Amount paid
XmlElement amt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Amount");
amt.InnerText = objGetDetails.TotalAmount;
// individual payments on invoice(s)
XmlElement invPymts = xmlDoc.CreateElement("InvoicePymts");
IDictionaryEnumerator objIDictionaryEnumerator =
objGetDetails.TransactionAmountPerInvoice.GetEnumerator(); //retreiving values from hashtable into IDictionaryEnumerator
while (objIDictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext()) //checking if IDictionaryEnumerator has records
XmlElement invoice = xmlDoc.CreateElement("InvoicePymt");
// invoice number
XmlElement invNum = xmlDoc.CreateElement("InvoiceNum");
invNum.InnerText = objIDictionaryEnumerator.Key.ToString();
// amount paid on invoice num
XmlElement invAmt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("InvoiceAmt");
invAmt.InnerText = objIDictionaryEnumerator.Value.ToString();
// Email confirmation
XmlElement emailcnfrm = xmlDoc.CreateElement("EmailConfirm");
emailcnfrm.InnerText = objGetDetails.EmailConfirmation;
return xmlDoc;